Information Technology Services

VuShield provides a broad range of IT services. We believe in building long term customer partnerships on the basis of trust and high quality service delivery. We maintain a young team of qualified business graduates and engineers, who are trained and are passionate about satisfaction of our customers.

ICT Consulting

We provide consulting services, irrespective of whether it is a new implementation or an existing solution that requires a refresh.  We provide a full range of consulting services to help analyse business requirements for effective implementation of solutions. 

Our consulting services cover:

  Strategy planning



  Re-engineering solutions


Cyber Security

Our broad cybersecurity knowledge and deep industry expertise allow us to develop next-gen cybersecurity solutions from consulting, implementation and managed services; to protect your business end-to-end.

We provide services covering:

  • Information Security
  • Network Security
  • Application Security
  • End Point Security

Safe City

Cities across the globe are more focused on security than ever before and with good reason. Attacks on various government entities, transit networks, human beings and critical infrastructure has significant potential for damage. Traditional security risks, such as workplace violence, terrorism, and insider threats, continue to evolve, while cybersecurity risks have become more prevalent than ever. These threats make it clear that the stakes are high and as the impact on an organization rises, the need for real-time, predictive response increases

We offer Cognyte Situational Intelligence Solutions, delivering comprehensive and predictive situational awareness that gives security teams critical insight to act swiftly, definitively, and accurately

​Network & Infrastructure

Growth in the Solution Integration (SI) services market is fuelled by the need for seamless business processes across an organization’s complete value chain of customers, partners, suppliers, and employees. Our services enable customers to identify, develop and implement the best-fit solutions which are equipped to meet their changing business requirements.


Our Solution Integration services help you:

       Leverage IT investments

  Minimize risks

  Maximize compatibility

  Maximize interoperability


We provide complete project management, right from architectural design, integration, system and interface development to migration backed by world-class methodologies, well-defined solution frameworks and extensive integration experience with tier-1 service providers